Music as a lifestyle | A paradigm shift

Making music is a practice that is common to almost all human cultures. What is music, and how can blockchain technology help musicians today? logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 21ST AUGUST 2022

Illustrated with imagery and artists featured on

Music is the art of sound in time. Music uses rhythm, melody, harmony, color, and expressive content to express thoughts and emotions in meaningful ways. 

In addition to being heard intentionally as part of the score or soundtrack to a movie, TV program, opera, or video game, people also play music in public and private spaces. Music is the main focus of events like music festivals, rock concerts, and symphony performances. 

Music is essential in social gatherings, religious events, festivals, and cultural activities. Songwriters, performers, sound engineers, producers, and distributors of musical instruments are all part of the music business.  

Even though music was created by humans long before written history began, it can be challenging to tell music from sound.

There are sounds around us, such as birds tweeting, waves crashing on the shore, and traffic blaring. Sometimes, sounds are combined to conjure up a specific mood or to convey concepts or feelings. 

The sounds, vibrations, and still moments that make up music don't always have to be beautiful or pleasant to the ear. Music can describe a wide range of situations, settings, and feelings.

Making music is a practice that is common to almost all human cultures. Flute and drums are ancient music tools that date back thousands of years. Music was a part of religious events in ancient Egypt. Other African cultures also have customs using drumming during significant rituals. Rock and pop performers still travel the globe today, performing and singing the songs that made them famous. 

Though music is defined differently in every country, it is present in every known civilization, making it a global art form. The development of music is still hotly debated; commentators frequently compare it to the development of language, although there is an enormous disagreement over whether song emerged before, after, or simultaneously with language. Most societies have mythological, religious, or philosophical foundations that they believe have contributed to the legendary origins of music. 

The emotions and ideas that music evokes, the contexts in which people play and listen to it, and the attitudes people have towards musicians and composers reflect regional and historical differences. 

Forging social bonds or calming a restless kid, the voice would have been our distant ancestors' earliest and most natural form of expression. These modest beginnings is where the music we love today developed. 

Prehistoric men and women probably began to create music as a way to mimic the sounds of nature. The human voice was possibly the first musical instrument ever used, but archaeologists have also discovered several primitive devices that date back more than 35,000 years. 

Music and its influence on everyday life

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Air Guitar Blues by jlynd_nfrn / Romantic Waltz by bluejay_studio / Bronze Album by cybermonday

Humans are subject to the overwhelming influence of music. It can improve your response to pain, improve your memory, increase task endurance, lessen anxiety and depression.

Our moods are significantly impacted by the music we play. Whether in a bad or good way, a specific speed and rhythm have a way of controlling our bodies. Music moves us. It influences us in some way.

We will decide to listen to a song that makes us happy if we are delighted. When we are down, we either choose music that makes us happy or listens to a song that will allow us to cry a lot if necessary. Music isn't just for when you're happy and content. It can also cause sadness. For each mood, there is a song and a genre. 

Our word choices may change depending on the vocabulary used by musicians. The narrative they convey to us through their words affects us. We have the impression that they and we are on the same trip. Our musical tastes influence our daily lives since they can either be negative or pleasant trips.

The fact that music is our means of expression is its best feature. We can express our feelings and emotions through the words of another person. Music helps us when we don't know how to express our feelings. It uses our ideas and amplifies them in the background of a catchy tune. 

We can express ourselves through the words and beat of the music. Music affects the soul. Just listening to music provides us with all we require. A person can learn to appreciate and despise beautiful things appropriately through music. Making the proper judgments in life is beneficial.

After physical activity, listening to soothing music may drop blood pressure and pulse rate. Additionally, it can elevate mood, lessen anxiety, and, by bringing people together, it can be a remedy for social isolation and loneliness. 

Can people live without music?

Can people survive without music?

We certainly can. But why would we want to live without it?

In the absence of music, as long as a person has a throat and hands, they can sing or make a beat. It is part of our natural existence. Music is a specific form of emotion-driven art. We enjoy dancing to music, listening to it, and playing musical instruments.

What is life without music?

Many people today claim they can't live without music and have become addicts. Music has an advantage over other types of art in that it is more straightforward. For instance, an excellent book you've read will stick in your mind and provide food for your ideas for a while. However, a great song will make you feel good when the tune is playing. People desire to listen to music constantly for this reason. For a while, they wish to get away from reality.

A good song may be as cooling as a sip of water on a hot day or as cleansing to the palette as a handful of peanuts after an ice cream binge. Both meditation and a jam session might help you decompress. 

Character identification in musical taste

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Blockchain by Blumillennium - Featured on

People across the globe value music, so many people are curious about the various personal aspects that could affect musical tastes. Could the songs on your playlist, for instance, tell someone something about you?

People use music for inspiration, to establish their mood, and to motivate themselves to work out. Each of us has various musical preferences. Some people think that your preferred genres might reveal a lot about your personality.

You might be able to tell something about a person by looking at their Spotify preferences. Or, depending on their personality traits, you might be able to determine what music they like. Musical taste is also affected by additional elements, such as age, gender, self-esteem, or culture. 

While open-minded and liberal people favor complex melodies, neurotic persons prefer music with negative emotions and intensity, and those who identified as pleasant and extroverted prefer songs with good feelings. Despite this, personality and perception differences make it impossible to say with certainty what someone will play.

Some people will listen to a special kind of music because they aspire to a distinct culture and way of life. Due to the personality here becoming all too obvious, individual taste will be the deciding factor. Results may differ because everyone is unique. 

Influence of Modern Technology on Music 

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Trilpalle By Flemblaz  - featured on

For the most part, music plays a vital role in daily life. Music is an important cultural exchange tool and is more than just a form of enjoyment. The need for music has given rise to a substantial business sector that includes album sales, live performances, publishing, distribution, and production.

In each of these musical disciplines, there are, nonetheless, numerous problems that remain unresolved. We are currently going through a blockchain paradigm change. Blockchain holds enormous potential to transform the future of the music industry and offers a huge opportunity to re-imagine many other businesses. 

Applications for the music industry using blockchain technology include ways to release music, streamline the distribution process, and direct more money to creators by doing away with fees charged by third parties between end-users and musicians. Some blockchain solutions for the music business are:

  • Producers and composers of music can make money by producing music on the blockchain.
  • Royalty payments are automatic.
  • Tokenized rights administration.
  • A blockchain-based database of digital rights.
  • Complete disclosure and confidentiality of information.

Blockchain technology offers the bright potential to ease the industry's problems. is a decentralized technology in music that champions blockchain distributed ledger as a way to release music, expedite royalty payments, get rid of pricey mediators, and establish a point of origin for music creators. In other words, blockchain can restore a fair and transparent strategy for production, purchase, sale, listening, and music management.

Both the globe and the technologies underlying the music business are advancing quickly. Blockchain is currently overpowering this industry because of its features like NFT, smart contracts, and more.

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Wait for Me by Nadine featured on

Bottom Line

Ultimately, music has transformed our lives and continues to do so. Because of this, it is much more than just a thing. It has given us knowledge, helped define who we are, and given us courage when we feel weak. When we want to give up, it offers us hope and reassures us that we are not alone and misunderstood. Regardless of how we may feel, music heals.

It is erroneous to think of music as mere amusement or as merely an aesthetic experience. Music is a form of language. It is ingrained in our brains at a deep level and is a product of human evolution.

This article is written by Suoberry as a part of's bounty program. Do you have an interesting topic, series or subject you think would be fitting for 

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